By Mickky

'A Maternity Mark'

Caught this at the parking lot of a bank. The round sign is aimed at pregnant women, encouraging them to park their cars in the parking space (between the white lines in the photo) whenever it is available. The space is actually the nearest one from the bank. I don't think this sign is so effective as it is expected since it is not prohibiting others from parking their cars there and so a woman heavy with child may not be able to park her one; still it is likely to me that I don't feel like parking my car in a parking space if I spot this sign on it. I hope many people feel so too.

This sign itself is available for free for anyone who may need it (either a person or a public institution), from the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. For personal use, one may put it on herself like a tag to tell others that she is pregnant, for example.

Finished a mid-term research presentation for my master's thesis today. Having lovely dinner at a sushi restaurant with course mates, I truly feel relieved now. Hope it goes well.

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