
By mrsc48

Blaze Bear

This handsome chap is Blaze Bear.

Now, i'm going to tell you a little tale about Blaze Bear as i have been told it in good faith. I'm not sure if its the correct story or not but it doesn't matter to me because I think its lovely and it's one I've told my children.

I believe (although may not be!) That Blaze bear is the mascot for the fire brigade. He got his name blaze for obvious reasons.

The story goes that there was a house fire and the lady in the house, who i also believe was elderly. She was rescued from the house and was upset because she was going to lose her collection of teddy bears she had in her attic, the ones she'd loved and collected over her many years. The fireman went into the attic and formed a line to pass the teddies to each other to safety so they would not be lost in the fire. They succeeded, the teddies were safe and the lady was grateful.

This is why I believe the mascot is called 'blaze bear'.

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