Migrant in Moscow

By Migrant

The BItter One

A golden image of writer Maxim Gorky in the Park Kultury metro station.  Originally named "The Central Park of Culture and Leisure in the name of Maxim Gorky Metro Station" (no, seriously), it was, very sensibly, shortened to plain "Park Kultury" at the time of the 1980 Olympics  - apparently to enable better comprehension of the name by foreign visitors.

Gorky himself was born as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov in 1868, in Nizhny Novgorod (re-named Gorky for many years), and began in 1892 while working as a journalist to use the pseudonym "Gorky" (from горький; meaning "bitter" - or "Maxim the Bitter One") .  Reportedly, the name "reflected his simmering anger about life in Russia and a determination to speak the bitter truth".  What might he have thought today.

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