Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Bring Me Sunshine

Evening all,

my inbuilt blip accumulator/abacus has been a bit iffy recently, and so although this is i think 500 blips, it isn't quite the photo i'd planned to post, but what the hey, it'll do!!

Now look, before we go any further, this is another dad blip, but it isn't a maudlin miserable one...honest.

It is however a little gentle reminder that although life and death may divide, bills unite us all, and have no respect for circumstance, convention or those awkward little social faux pas such as being dead!

Every second envelope that i've opened has been one asking for money, actually the only one i've opened which wasn't a bill was the one containing the photos we gave to the undertaker to use in the order of service.

Anyhow, i'm using this as a diary at the moment and so i wanted to record a little of my dad's funeral.

I have to say it went as well as it possibly could go, there were loads of people there, and with the exception of one mourner, everyone was my age or younger, which pretty well summed up who my dad was and how he could relate to all age groups.

It was exactly the sort of do my dad would have wanted, some tears,lots of great memories, lovely anecdotes which showed me how much my dad was loved, my cousins asking if they could carry his coffin in as a mark of respect, which made me cry a little then, (and a large amount as i'm writing this) lots of smiles, lots of laughter;
and we can claim to be the only group of mourners who have ever been 'asked to leave' the Grenoside Crematoria tea rooms.....

my dad would've loved that.

So actually as bad days go, this wasn't the worst by any stretch, and my only regret about the whole day was that i didn't have the nerve to do the 'bring me sunshine' dance as we left the church...

my dad would've loved that too.

night all

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