
Our meal last night was terrific and we tumbled into bed slightly the worse for wear after pre-dinner drinks, wine and dessert wine. Ben set his alarm for 9am so we wouldn't miss breakfast and I laughed at him...

We were woken by the alarm going off. Still a bit grey but the wind and rain had stopped. We breakfasted (again delicious) and ambled down the hill to the Tate. We looked around ourselves then joined the free tour of the Katz exhibition. It was excellent. The chap leading the tour was very knowledgable and interesting.

We then headed over to the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Gardens and did the same again - wandered around ourselves then joined the free tour. Again the lady talking was enthusiastic and knew her stuff. Unfortunately I am clearly not 'Modernist' as all I saw were some big lumps of various material with holes in... And there were signs everywhere saying 'DO NO TOUCH'. Which is a shame as some of the stone and wood sculptures especially are crying out to be stroked and caressed!

By now the day was glorious so we returned to the Tate to have lunch on the roof terrace overlooking Porthmeor Beach before heading back to home and reality...

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