To the victor

Back in the office today after the conference & AGM - fortunately as I was hosting & presenting I don't get the job of the minutes - but I do get to write up some reports and action plans.
Some really really good stuff came out of the conference - as our industry matures we're starting to commission research, we're refining procedures and we can now analyse patterns and trends - but trying to develop, report on and expand that is brain aching work  - so a lot of time staring out of the window planning today, a desk covered in notes.
But I've been entertained all day by these fellows* - at times probably only 4 foot from the glass - the extra shows that they've finally mastered the new feeder! Yeay!
I'm saying fellows as there have been two all day - this big powerful mature fellow - and a sadly looking battered little BlackTail - although a lot of his tail is currently missing. Whilst the squirrels look cute they fight viciously - but despite that I'm not sure that a larger one could have inflicted that much damage - so I'm thinking BlackTail has had a lucky escape from something else.

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