Identifying the Dead

I have been busy over the past six weeks doing a free online course through FutureLearn. The course is called 'Identifying the Dead' and is a cross between 'CSI' and 'Waking the Dead'. It has looked at the work of forensic archaeologists and described how they use their skills to recreate and identify murder victims. Sometimes the scientific language has been challenging, especially for someone like me who can barely remember her own name at times, but it has been interesting, informative and very satisfying.
FutureLearn run all sorts of online courses and I am just starting one called 'World War 1:A History in 100 Stories'. If you have about 4 hours a week spare and want to learn something new, you should check out their courses here: There are new courses starting all the time and they don't require any previous knowledge on the subject. They have certainly grabbed my attention and imagination.

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