Bee's Bum.

(With apologies to Pigeon's Blog!)
After a family brunch at one of our favourite local restaurants, we took Rona over to Culross and revisited the Old Schoolhouse garden. The wild flower patch at the top of the garden was simply heaving with bees! Big bumble bees, small bumble bees and loads of honey bees too! This one here is savouring a bit of thrift but the big attraction seemed to be vipers bugloss but it was difficult to focus on them due to the density of the foliage. Must get some of that for the garden!
Later, a stroll round Airthrey Loch to see how the cygnets were progressing. All five seem to be doing fine and there is a lot of new life around; rabbits (of course!), squirrels, coots, etc. but curiously, no ducklings. Any explanations?

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