Gardens in the Alcazar de Los Reyes Cristianos

We had a lovely morning wandering around the Alcazar which was the base for the Inquisition!! There was a beautifully cool Roman baths building with courtyard full of jasmine and orange trees and then an extensive formal garden with tiered pools and fountains (this photo showing a tiny bit of one!) the sides of the garden were laid out with fruit trees (I have never seen such a fully laden pomegranate tree) and tall cypress lining paths. We noticed that they had a very clever watering system where a rill could be diverted to send the water around the beds not unlike a paddy field idea. Piles of earth making dams to direct the water to the roots of trees and flowers alike.
Yet another wonderful selection of tapas for a late lunch and then a compulsory short siesta in the heat of the late afternoon before planning our evening - such bliss to only have those decisions to make just now!!!

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