The L Words

I've had my eye on blipping this item for a while but was saving it for either a day of low photo opportunies and/or a day that has some significance for  homely things (of which this token represents).

It turns out today fits both of these categories. Me and little one have been suffering with cold/sore throat coughs and so vegged out most of the day (punctuated with the occasional game of catch and a nap).

Alos, some good news on the moving house front. Lots of hiccoughs so far have left us with more than a little worry about the whole situation, however it seems we are almost through it and on our way. I will tell more when everything is a little more definite.

In the meantime. Happy thoughts.

And happy birthday to ChrisGroucutt. I won't say how old he is. But he's older than me and that all that counts.


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