Looking back . . . . .

. . . . . towards where I used to live, and where my house is. It's way in the distance, so I can't point it out.

I rode my bike along a forest trail to the Pegasus Beach track down onto the beach and thought I'd ride back along the beach; wrong! The tide was too high and the sand too soft, so it was back up onto the track and back past the lagoon. You'll be able to see my bike on the beach if you look hard.

PS - nearly forgot to mention that as I pushed the bike back up the sand dunes I saw a Little Blue Penguin (korora) coming out of the surf and making its way back up the beach to its nest. It was about 6.55pm, so getting towards dusk. I must go back some time and see if I can see it again. I only had a wide angle lens with me, so no hope of a photograph.

I'm relying on cellular wifi these caravan days, and the reception is dodgy and random, so comments will be the same; dodgy and random! Sorry about that everyone. Thanks for all your feedback - it's very much appreciated.

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