Friday was a rather splendid day. I walked to work despite the gym-inflicted achiness and the weather was glorious all day. I went to an agreeable meeting and sorted out some bits and bobs, followed by a lunchtime stroll to the shops with my lovely friend and colleague L. I nipped into town to run an errand for S and then back down to Leith to meet L who gave me a lift to meet S. L took the most back roads route and it was gorgeous.

After S and I got home and ate a tasty takeaway curry, we built our new bed. We've been looking for one for a wee while and ordered one a couple of weeks ago. It was really satisfying to build our very own bed. Beds are so Important to how we all function when awake as well as asleep and we think this will be a good foundation. I went to sleep with a smile on my face. :-)

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