Today's Special

By Connections


What a stunning show these dahlias put on in the sunshine that blessed the first hour or so of our farmers' market today! 

There were also green beans, tomatoes, and even some strawberries to be had, but autumn produce was really the draw, including some beautiful dent corn (see extra photo), "so-called because of the dent, or dimple, that forms in the top of each kernel as it begins to dry out," according to the Oldways Whole Grains Council website. Dent corn is "used for animal feed, for making corn syrup, and for everything from fuel to biodegradable plastics" and "is higher in starch and lower in sugar than sweet corn."

Our refrigerator is now full of local peppers, broccoli raab, red leaf lettuce, radicchio, green beans, fennel, cherry tomatoes, and golden cauliflower, which makes me happy. It's a good thing that Phil is willing to eat anything I place before him!

Speaking of Phil, check out his blip for today of three charmers, taken by his in-house photographer..

Blip 1380

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