We were happy to greet the sun today, even when it was only for a short time.
This asked for a nice plan for a walk and we decided to drive first to the donkeys in Beverungen, and from there to St. Jakobsberg, high upon a hill and walk from there with views downhill.
The donkeys and the goats were behind wires and we could not come near enough for some pictures. I had to throw the carrot pieces over the wire and sometimes I hit the poor animals on their head. Happily they did not mind too much. At the other side of the road there were turkeys in a field. I always feel sorry for them because I know they are not kept for their beauty alone.
At St. Jakobsberg we walked first a path that ended suddenly and we had to return and find another one. We walked along a deer park and I noticed that the deer were not scared, but refused to stand still nearby.
We liked the views we had on our walk. The coloured trees in their beauty, a nice path to follow, but in the end we were happy to reach the village again. And drive home again.
Now I have to admit I am tired and after writing my haiku and find a proverb I'll leave this amazing Blipland, but come back tomorrow with new energy.

My haiku:

My beauty is not
Recognised by many I
Know, I know, I know

And the proverb:

Beauty is but skin-deep.

c. 1606  Middelton & Dekker, Roaring Girl.

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