Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

An Old Book Friend

I stopped in to say Hello to Debbie Sanford and pose with her for a photo, at her book shop House of Our Own. Debbie has operated the shop, always in the same row house on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, since 1971. Her husband Greg has been the other half of the management for all the time I've known them, which is over 25 years now.

The role played in the life of the city and the university by this particular book shop has been quite large and entirely positive because it is both independent and focused on radical books, both new and used. For me, Debbie and Greg have been a font of old stories from local social movements and I've put in many months of gainful work toward keeping the building whole. They are wise and patient and good people. Debbie in particular is a quiet "Rock of Gibraltar" for the radical scene in Philadelphia.

Debbie sends her warm regards to Ceridwen!

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