Fun guy

Had a busy morning catching up with house-work and then a successful trip round the Stockbridge charity shops in the afternoon.

I rarely go to the charity shops actually looking for something, because I usually don't find it. Instead I go with an open mind and the willingness to part with a couple of quid in the name of charity for an item that may prove a gem or a boomerang, being quickly returned to the nearest charity shop. 

Today I found a couple of books, and a kitchen towel. 

This evening I went see 'Martian' with C1. I don't think I've laughed at a movie so much in years. Don't get me wrong it is a drama but it is a drama that knows how to play up the humour, which if anything emphasised the drama. 

Excellent film. Better than 'Gravity' if only coz they didn't put in all those dizzy making camera spinning shots. 

And like the review said 'The best supporting actor award goes to: Duct Tape.'

Here I give you a toadstool on London Road. 

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