Back On Track

Thankfully, this morning, I felt better and almost back to normal. Mum made me a diet breakfast, and then I was bouncy and ready for adventure again. A relief, not being miserable and unwell any more.

It was a nice and sunny October Sunday, and all the car parks out in the nature preserve were jam packed, because many people wanted to benefit from it. The forest is huge, however, so there is room for everyone. We incorporated our new trail into a longer walkie than mum had intended at first, because I was 'en plaine forme' and so happy to be out, climbing rocks 2+ metres and running happily ahead on the path. There was an obedience competition at the dog club, so we couldn't do any training, but we were happy anyway.

We escaped the autumn cleaning of the glassed-in balcony for a small afternoon stroll, and that's when this picture was taken.

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