Sleepy Sunday

A very quick snap, and the only one I took all day, of Asha watching this classic track before bed!
A relaxed day, Danny went to watch the rugby with some VERY happy Argentinian friends.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting more sorted for the week - cleaning, washing etc... Danny's off to Vienna early on Wednesday. Trying to get his stuff washed and dried asap!
2) Hilarious conversations with Asha. So funny getting a little view into her mind/world sometimes!
3) Living on a peaceful island. Watched Half a Yellow Sun tonight, the book's by Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie....I studied it in my literature module of African Studies....set in the late 60s during the Nigerian civil war...the things people went through, and go through all over the world today... Grateful for peace & stability.

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