On The Wall

It am very sorry to announce that His Lordship drew the short straw today to stay home for the boiler repair man to deliver a spare part; indeed I am sorry, very sorry. Does that sound convincing?

In this day and age it should be possible to give an online approximation of the time of arrival to the hour and not be told anytime between 8am and noon.

Anyway, I digress. The Dower House is in mourning after that Aussie penalty kick at the last minute of the rugby match yesterday meant that Scotland lost by one point. It doesn't help that it turned out too late to be a debateable penalty.

Such is life, you win some, you lose more.
However the best game of all in the current series must count for something.

For some peculiar reason there are small pebbles stuck at regular intervals to a wall on the street behind the museum. One of them has been embellished.

My extra photograph was taken in Greyfriars' Kirkyard.

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