Anatole's blips

By anatolebeams

The first iPad - Boulder v.01

This device has been used globally for many thousands of years as a means of storing information. The data capacity is not great but the variety of uses it can be put to is almost unlimited. It does have several advantages over our modern day equivalents: it uses no power to store the data, it is very durable and long-lasting, application of a simple hand-held stone can be used to edit the information and it is a simple process to learn and pass on to others. It is rather heavy so not very portable, but the tools can be used on any other boulders you find on your travels.

Megalithic cup and ring marked stones, Kilmartin, Scotland.

P.s. Sorry for the break. Internet-wise some parts of the Highlands of Scotland is still well back in the dark ages, so it can prove nearly impossible to do any more than deal with simple text messages.

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