The Coppice

I finished work early this afternoon and, tempting as it was to go home and have a nap, the weather was just too nice to miss.

Since we redecorated the bathroom, we've been after a 'tree' picture for the main wall. We could have got one off Google, but we prefer to have things that remind us of places we've been. Plus now I have my new camera, it gives me the opportunity to play around with settings and see what comes out.

I decided to have a walk up the Coppice, which isn't too far from home and a local landmark here in Accrington. I wasn't disappointed as the autumn foliage looks lovely

I got a few good photo's of the paths which meander through the trees, one of which I think will end up on the wall for sure (pending Mr A's approval), but I really liked this one for the colours.

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