
By alexlily2008


Today marks the 12 year anniversary since my dad lost his battle with myeloma and went to fly with the angels. This is one of my favourite pictures of him with my mum (who we lost 26 years ago) and this is how I imagine them still to be.

Dad loved photography and as a child I spend many happy hours with dad walking round the local parks and areas of natural beauty while he snapped away. I've only recently converted all his photographic slides into digital format and have relived so many memories. He would have adored Blip for many reasons (mainly so he could see where he was going wrong and pinch ideas) so I dedicate my blip today to him. I hope some of my attempts at taking a half decent photo make him smile.

Ernie White 19/0/29 to 19/10/03. This one's for you.

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