
By tookie

Basin Pond in Baxter State Park

Here's the day of the big hike---(ending in disaster), but altho our goal was to make it to Chimney Pond at the foot of Mt. Katahdin , we did make it 3/4 of the way to Basin pond and that was beautiful fact now in retrospect it was very very lovely with many of the reasons I love Chimney Pond so much.  The cobalt blue waters and the crystal clear can see the pebbles and rocks in the pond so clearly.  Seeint majestic Mt. Katahdin in the background!  Not the same as being abutted right up against the face of the mountain like at Chimney, but so very spiritual a setting to be in.  It was after leaving Bason where we had our lunch break that we only went a tad further, decided to turn around...and then the disatrous fall mentioned earlier.  
   Extras are of Big R by the Chimney pond sign and me at the Baxter Wilderness Park sign and then a shot of the magnificent Roaring Brook which we hiked alongside for the first part of the trail.  The boulders off to the left and right were more like how the entire trail turned into and which became my nemesis!
  Backblips to beginning of our Maine trip here

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