Today's Special

By Connections

Each One Different

The fronds of this fern each have their own unique curve, despite their uniform shapes, which makes me think of my days, each with their own unique pattern, yet sharing the same rise and fall of energy.

I am definitely a morning person. I love waking up early, and arise full of energy and optimism about the day ahead. If there's something important that I need to accomplish on a given day, I try to schedule it for the morning.

I'm still going strong until I have lunch on the table... and then, with our customary cup of tea after lunch, my downhill slide begins. The early hours of the afternoon aren't too bad, although my energy is definitely waning, but by 5pm I have a noticeable decline in energy and optimism, and some days it's all I can do to pull together something for supper. (If we're having friends over for that meal, I do rally, as an infusion of new ideas and conversation can be a short-term "fix" for me.)

Curiously, by 9pm I often get a second wind -- perhaps because it's then that I usually sit down to do my blip and write comments. At the end of the day, I always read one of the books I have on the go for a while... and it's not unusual for me to read until... let's just say later than I should! 

Blip 1382

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