My Lucky Number

When I was about 10 years old I found a small slip of paper in the pocket of a new coat. The slip of paper was about the size of the little fortunes inside a fortune cookie and had five words printed on it: "Your lucky number is 3."

Indeed, the number three has been a factor in my life many times. These days, 3 comes up with the cello trio I've been enjoying for the past few months. Tonight, #3 came up again when our orchestra manager (thank you!!) offered me this old, and well-used copy of the complete piano trios by Mozart! 

My understanding was that Mozart had written six piano trios (piano + violin + cello), but this book has seven!? In any event, piano trios were a very popular form in Mozart's day, particularly for amateur pianists and their cello and violin-playing friends. The piano steps up and takes on a bigger role in the trios. This book will keep me busy for the rest of my days, and I know two willing victims who would very likely join me in exploring these fabulous pieces.

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