Morning glow

I noticed some nice light looking east along the Thames this morning, so I walked back along the river to get some photos.  The bit of the Thames path I was going to photograph from was blocked off though, and by the time I'd made it up onto London Bridge instead, the light wasn't so great any more, but never mind - at least I got some exercise.

Phoned my Mum after this, as she was going to hospital for a small op this afternoon.  She sounded fine - and my sister updated me later in the day to say it had gone ok.

Spent 3 hours looking at a very complicated spreadsheet with Char today.  Spent most of the last hour slumped over her desk whimpering as it was getting so mind-boggling - but we did finally finish.

Stayed after work tonight for an evening reception - I was unofficial photographer (with my compact camera, having forgotten to bring my 'proper' camera in) - so also stayed up late editing the photos tonight.  Off to bed now!

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