
By ChrisGroucutt

New Toy

Charlie had a new toy yesterday. Charlie loves new toys. Usually their lifespans are measured in hours, so it's quite a significant thing that it's still fairly intact today. Certainly blipworthy n'est pas?

He's been carrying this one around and playing tug-of-war with me all day, so I figured that would be a good shot tonight, but when I tried to play with him this evening with camera in hand (and my sister also on hand performing illumination duties), he suddenly decided he was nobody's performing monkey-dog and refused to play. Instead he just went mental, ignoring the toy and insisting on spinning in circles on the spot. Turns out he was just showing off to his Aunty though, because as soon as she left, he posed like a trooper.

As somebody apparently once said - never work with kids or animals. Then again, my blipfeed would be pretty empty without 'em.


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