More moodiness

Another wet and blustery day (very blustery up north - they had a tornado!), though tomorrow is set to be the last day before the sun comes back out to play.
Had my first Spanish lesson in a new place - turns out my teacher lives 2 doors up & we have mutual friends. He helped me a lot with some of my language difficulties, I'm looking forward to these next 10 weeks! 

Cana Club/Language Exchange tonight - lovely to catch up with people.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Umbrellas & wellies - it's been torrential today...
2) An evening with electricity. It's been on and off all day due to the weather...was glad to have a good spell of electricity to 1) be able to see and 2) finish a complete washing cycle!
3) Seeing one of the guys from Sa Penya - not seen him for a while now the season is winding down. Was glad to bump into him this evening.

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