Apple Thoughts On Apple Day (21/10/15)

Lots of people
love apples.

We’re tempted by the shiny skin
and the lively taste
that lies within.

And we adore the humble apple
in crumbles
and in pies.

When I see an innocent apple
hanging from a tree
I make a wish that no mishap’ll
befall him.

In my day,
when young people
wanted to experiment with alcohol
they opted for cider.

Do they still?

As a teenage kid
I never did.
I preferred beer.

I’m picturing a billionaire businessman
in a shiny green appleskin suit
sitting behind a desk
in the Big Apple,
apple juice running down his chin
as he bites into a big red one.

The Beatles christened
their company and record label Apple.
I remember ‘Hey Jude’
revolving on the turntable
and watching the Apple logo
go round and round.

Tasty song.

Apple Day,
by the way,
is nothing to do with computers.

I guess
some people
whose livelihood/ business
is apples

are obsessed
with them?

Is it bonkers
to be bananas
about apples?

Apple Day


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