Another day, another island, another bird. Today we sailed a choppy sea to St Agnes in the hope of the Red-breasted Flycatcher and a Red-flanked Bluetail. Didn't see either but had a lovely wander about the island. What a beautiful place, and apparently has the best pub in all the islands. Except it was shut. Never mind. I said, Never Mind G!

We did see a Firecrest and Yellow Browed Warbler so the day was not a bird tick-list washout. In fact, if I could ignore my aching feet, it was a wonderful day out. The sea was even choppier on the way back which was exhilarating and I videoed the sky, sea, sky, sea, etc, as we lurched up and down and got a bit wet. Then to the Co-op for stuff for dinner, no potatoes for sale again but luckily I bought a bag after the delivery yesterday. I perhaps have a quicker mind than I thought, as I revise the dinner menus while walking the aisles in accordance with what is available!

Extras: St Agnes Lighthouse and Erratic Rocks

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