Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Oh My God!

Came home from work early at 4pm as The Dizzle wasn't feeling well. Was surprised to find that the from door wasn't deadlocked and even more surprised when I got inside and found a young woman coming down the stairs with a sleepy grin. Thinking it was The Dizzle's girlfriend Miss S (who has a key) I said "Oh hi"; and then half a second later I realised that it was The Girl Racer who had surprised us by flying in from Canada. The rest was just a blur of delighted emotion. Oh My God! doesn't do it justice. Five hours later I'm still pinching myself at the thought of having her home for the best part of a month...

It'll sink in tomorrow. Maybe.

As for the rest:

Big announcement at work today. Otherwise normal fayre, although a bit on the quiet side. Was asked to go into a training session as they couldn't get the projector to work, and after five minutes of technical trickery and scratching my head in bemusement I realised they had left the lens cap on...

But really, nothing else matters tonight. Oh My God ...  

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