
By AliV

First storm of the season

We ventured out after lunch, once the gales had died down. The wind meant that the streets were covered in fallen leaves but it gave a lovely seasonal feel to the place and about time too, given it is mid October.

We had to go out to get baby's final baby jags.....she is definately a little drama queen, shrealing like a banshee, though nothing a quick cuddle doesn't fix. We went shopping as a treat after, and luckily she is too young to need stuff bought for her; she is more than happy just staring at all the bright lights and colours. I bought bananas from the fruit stall, 4 cushion covers, and aa greetings card. Exciting times.

The walk home was clearly exhausting, and this was before I had to tackle this hill (it is muh steeper than it looks!)

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