On a mission

Here's the thing.

THEY went out for lunch today - again!  That's OK, except that they were gone for ever such a long time.  And I don't mind a spot of lunch myself.

But do you know what they did!!  They brought me back a "doggy bag".  No, not a bag full of doggies, although that's what you might expect.  It was a special bag (actually a folded up serviette) and it did have some delicious chicken and bacon in it just for ME!  I know!  How generous is that!

So my tummy did get quite full (and I'm a picky eater to say the least) and I did think I would go upstairs for a nap.  As you do when you've got a full tummy.

But then I did find where I hid my chewie from this morning, and I did think it might be a good idea to find a new hiding place.  Well, you never know, there might be bunyips around, just waiting to steal a girl's chewies.

So, there I was trotting across the landing in search of a bunyip free hiding place. and I did get caught.

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