Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Last Chance

OMG I am mortified. I've been driving around for 23 days without tax.

Yes I got the notice is was due and I promptly put it to one side to deal with later and then forgot and without the visual reminder in the car it was easy to well not realise.

All sorted now and have put it on DD so I won't have this worry next year.

And in other news Jeeves had his ears checked today, they are loads better but there is still a tiny bit of puss in each of them deep down so we are trying 3 weeks of oral antibiotics and in need to try and get his ear drops in for at least another week and then we shall see. There is another type of ear drop but as hardly anything is licensed for use on rabbits I think a bit more research might be required. So fingers crossed in the next 3 weeks we get it all cleared up.

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