knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Madness continues

Another day if being continuously on the go. Started off with a dog walk after the school run this morning. It's been lovely weather today and it was great down portencross. I was taking this photo and then realised Kermit hadn't appeared from round the corner so went looking for him. Took me 10 minutes to find him but he finally turned up in someones garden looking happy to see me. Think doggy dementia is kicking in properly as this is the second time its happened. Not good.
I then had a few things to do before heading to the world premiere of thoms primary 1 class film. It was lovely seeing them all in class through the year and I felt a bit emotional with it all.
Attacked the grass in the garden this evening as it was getting to spaniel height. Even managed to make rocky road and tea too.
Night in tonight instead of west Kilbride knit night as still recovering from the weekend.
And need to keep energy up for more hectic fun this week.

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