
By AprilJane

Olympic Parade

One of the many things Betsy and Al's school is good at is celebrating as many things as possible with a good old dress up day and a parade around the playground. The teachers all join in, and all the children from the three year olds in the Nursery to the Year Sixes all come. Some make an enormous effort, some none at all, but they all have a good time.

Today kicked off a range of Olympic themed activities this week, so they started with everyone dressed in Olympic inspired outfits, a rendition of 'We are the Champions' (loud for the chorus, slightly more mumbly for the verses) and a display of gymnastics.

Betsy has dressed up for so many of these - some more enthusiastically than others, it has to be said. Royal Wedding, Jubilee, several World Book Days, Silver (can't remember what that one was about but I remember making a silver waistcoat for something), Blue for Anti-Bullying, Insects, oh, loads of things. Today though, will be her last as she leaves the school in four weeks.

Al has another three years, so I'm sure I'll see many more, but I'll miss Betsy being there, slouching around, usually with Thomas and Sam, pretending not to care, but letting a big grin slip out when she spots me in the crowd.

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