
By wsjohnson

Once upon a midnight dreary . . .

Okay, so "I be" Heading off to London-town, running later than I had envisioned, but none-the-less "making book" It's raining in Texas, pretty ferociously I hear, so "Her Lewis" may have to take care in his chase for immortality (oh dearie my) I do wish him well, when he wins all is light and gay around here (no matter where "here" is) and when he does not - (he never "loses") - win, "hell hath no fury" teeth gnash, garments . . . 

I must admit being somewhat surprised by the number of AB supporters spotted about the county over the past two days, hopefully a good omen (as if they need one)

Some people have nothing better to do that hang out on Spon Street, texting missing friends - "life, what an experience" -

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