
By DramaQueen

Little devils

Another productive day at DQ HQ.

Mr A had to work this afternoon, so we had a lovely lunch together before he left.

I had an appointment with the lovely Shahida, who takes care of all my eyebrow needs; we always chat about holidays as usually one of us is either going or just back from a trip.
This time it was her turn, she's just back from Malta.
I told her we have booked South Africa for next year and that we are also having a weekend away in 2 weekends time as Mr A felt we needed a road trip and it will be his last weekend off until the New Year, so we will make the most of it.

Food shopping was also on the list of chores, as was sorting the new selfie frame. That took a little while to do, making sure they were placed in the right order and we didn't have too many of the same places in the same section. It looks great & we've put it on a different wall to the other one, so it's not 'too much of a good thing'.

While I was sorting the frame, the squirrels were having a mad hig round the garden, so I thought I'd try and get some shots. I didn't notice that the camera was on auto, so the flash has given them red eye; I think they're little devils anyway! These two had a good old scrap while I was snapping away.

If you've not seen it (thanks to Shev, I have) check out the Daily Fail Mail photo of the squirrel eating a Tunnock's teacake! Super cute :-)

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