Happy Day!

We found this delightful quirky garden at the back of Mudlarks Cafe this morning. The cafe is run entirely to raise funds for mentally disabled people, some of whom work in the cafe, whilst many others work on an allotment. The produce is used in the cafe and everything sold is home made and delicious. The furniture is eclectic, the welcome is friendly and the ambience relaxed. Better in every way possible than the many big chain cafes nearby :-)

With my operation date set and pain being better managed, I'm propelling myself on my crutches through a fab family weekend. Nothing mind-blowing you understand but just making the most of some time together. We had a hobble around Hertford market this morning and discovered the above mentioned cafe; I spent all afternoon resting in bed - what a luxury ;-) and then this evening we went for an early dinner at Bill's in WGC. The kids were on form and there was laughter all round. Happy day!

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