
By elsie


home time.

we dropped our bags off this morning at the pre check in behind the circus (random but brilliant). meant we didn't have to worry about them later and could spend the day by the pool, soaking up the last of the sun and building sandcastles (yep, we finally discovered the hotel beach).

so much to be grateful for, not least of all these wonderful folk.
my parents are the best. if i can be half the role model for my children that these people are for me, then i'll be doing well. thank you for the holiday, for the support, for your big hearts and kind souls. we've had an incredible time and made so many memories.

we all love you very much indeed :)

i bet you can't wait to get home and have a rest, but i know you will miss dylan standing outside your bedroom door, whistling you awake at 6am

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