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Look & you shall find... with my macro eyes on today, I found this chap, I find grasshoppers so comical! This is a baby one, they're literally the size of a grass seed at this age, so you have to really look & be patient, because even with a macro lens, it's hard to get everything in focus. But I just loved his expression & his hug pose.

As for Larry:

Job done!

Difficult day, grief is really getting to me, but it's rather funny really, every time I start to dwell on my mum's absence something happens, as in earlier I banged my leg on my bed, walked into a tree trunk & tripped over the cat & landed on my bottom... all those times were when I was beginning to feel emotional... I think it was my mum's way of telling me off, as I'm never usually that accident prone, esp all in one day! :) xxx

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