
By MamaOfBoys

Long weekend

I love 3 day weekends , even thought they throw me a bit. its nice to have that extra day.

My mum had the boys this morning for a few hours so we got up early and went through the typical weekday morning routine to get the boys ready. The boys were eager to go.

After we dropped them off, Andre and i  went to go to the toy library, take back the old toys, get some news ones while the dis weren't with us. It would mean we would get  the less noisy toys this time around.... 

But once we got there, we sat and waited i realized they're not open on long weekends ugh.

So Andre and i went for coffee at a cute little Italian style cafe at the tannery.

We headed home and cleaned up before they got back.

We just stuck around home in the afternoon, the boys were happy to watch movies and i weeded the garden a bit. 

There's convolvulus everywhere, its coming through the fence and its driving me crazy. 
My father in law gave me some weed killer and said  to put one of the roots in the weed killer and it would then go back to the base of it but i cant find the weed killer , its somewhere safe i know that. 
Its in a cupboard up high somewhere or maybe in the garage, I'll have to go find it.

I made pie tonight, chicken and leek. Pastry and i don't really agree. It fails me every time. 
I mean the top looks good right? (my friend did this with a pie she made and i took her awesome idea and applied it my pie) but if you were to look at the bottom of the pie, its soggy.

 I have the oven on high, i do everything. I even consulted my friend who pastry works for every time and she said there wasn't anything i was doing differently. I even baked the pastry a little first this time to maybe give it the extra heat. still soggy base........... 

Despite the soggy base it was good. We then had apple pie (not made by me , i'm not that clever) and ice ream for dessert. Yumsy.

Early bed for my boys tonight which was nice, meant i could crash early too!

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