Pastries & Picnic-ing

Another FULL day with Bulliblips et al...starting with the park & pastries, then on to the iconic Es Vedra for a picnic & paddle (extras), then back to town for a walk up the Old Town walls & a final fro-yo. I liked this photo of the girls looking out over Sa Penya, the next generation... They had a very cute chat about their respective churches, and have in fact had several lovely chats today (as well as a few spats!). It's highly entertaining earwigging into a 3/4 year olds conversation!

Danny's home from Vienna (11pm) - Asha will be delighted to see him in the morning!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The Bullivants spending the time & money to come visit us - and Mr Bulli giving them up for 3 days!
2)That extra hour this morning - the day felt wonderfully long!
3) JUST avoiding a downpour and making it back to our flat with seconds to go!

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