Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Poetry in Motion

Loved how they were completely in sync...and in the sun.

Mixed bag of communications today...

On my way to a meeting, I passed a young guy sitting asking for 'change'
- I genuinely had none. (I thought)

He had an interesting face and I knew he had a story to tell.
I had the camera with me - and was just figuring out whether and how to approach him - when he flipped out at me!

The outburst threw me and I took a detour into the park to sort it out in my head.

He'd accused me of staring*...I thought I'd shaken my head (about the money) and smiled at him.
It bothered me that I'd upset him - clearly life hadn't been kind to him as it was - and I decided to go back and try and speak to him.

I told him that I would never wish to make him uncomfortable and why I perhaps looked at him slightly longer. The minute I started speaking he broke out in a smile and shook my hand. He said he was irritable because he hadn't eaten all day.
I didn't pursue a photograph and while we spoke I found a pound coin in my pocket and gave it to him. Wanted to do more.
My heart is bleeding. Too many, too young, like this.
We have to sort it.

Someone has gone awol who I've been trying to contact to confirm dates with. Now had to the plug on some events. Chances are they'll turn up and say we should have gone ahead...but can't risk it as things stand.

So many tools and methods for communicating... but wonder if it's actually improved communications

Just when I'm pondering on communication, good news from loved ones ...Los Padres will become Bisabuelos / Great Grandparents soon.
That will make me Tia Grandes ! great aunt
but already?...

Bird update :
new sighting today, a Greenfinch.
Have re-arranged the feeders to make it impossible (hopefully) for the pigeons and other large birds and it seems to be working.

Only thing is that the little birds take off if they see me near the windows.
Greenfinch shot was a big blur. 9 times out of 10, I miss them.
When I have more free time to spend watching them, maybe I'll get lucky.

p.s Staring* - after posting the above, stumbled upon
THIS brilliant and timely Blip!

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