Black Mountains Blips

By Hanneke3

Morocco day 5

From Qalaat M'gouna we have entered the Jebel Sahro. We will travers this desert mountain range, also know as the Anti-Atlas, in two days with a wild camp halfway.
This is very much desert, with the odd small settlement in an oasis. Just as you always imagined it to be, but with added rocks, not sand.
Around every corner there was an even better view and hundreds of photo's were taking. Well, maybe not quite as I didn't want to hold everyone up.
In the evening we had a bedouin tent for our dining/sitting room and a 2 man dome tent each, luxury!
The food throughout the trip has been amazing. Such a talented cook, Omar, to create varied meals 3x a day in the middle of nowhere out of nothing!
These little pink flowers were everywhere, on succulents, until we went over the first pass of many. After every pass, the vegetation and landscape changed.
Very inspiring.
I designed a Chelsea Gold Medal winning garden in my head, watch this space ;)

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