The Final Voyage

Thanks for all the advice with respect to clearing the house. I'm being pretty ruthless. There is a second stage to the selection process too, when I eventually unpack. My life will soon be very streamlined. I shall feel so light I might be in danger of floating away!

I thought I'd relate a story I heard from a friend on the train going into work this morning. She'd recently moved from a large family house into a much smaller one and had undergone the same process of letting go of loads of stuff. She and her husband were forced to prune their book collection and they ended up giving a large number away to a charity shop. Shortly afterwards, she caught her husband buying some of them back again! Apparently, he didn't know that these were his books. He was just drawn to them for the same reason he bought them in the first place. He's a lovely guy. I could easily imagine him doing that!

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