
It has rained today.....8 mm which makes us happy, and so cold, frost forecast for the morning.

More happiness.......I delivered the laptop to my friend Tim this afternoon, fully backed up (which I do weekly) and I've just had a phone call from him to say he's currently reloading the programmes and he says it going really fast. It will be back tomorrow. Phew, I'm so grateful.....*Rainie doing a happy dance*

I'm having a day out tomorrow (as if I haven't been away enough this month). Our district craft group are heading south to visit two gardens and enjoy lunch at a winery restaurant.

This morning was spent with oldTimer doing Focus results for the end of year awards dinner. The next few weeks will be busy with Salon entries which have to be in by this coming Monday night, then judged and returned within three weeks to enable us to get cups and certificates engraved and printed. Both digital and print, six catagorys in and each member can enter one in each. So, if each member entered the maximum that's 12 entries per member multiplied by 45 members equals 540 images to be judged. That won't happen though as lots don't enter.


ps. Paint and water on a piece of glass.

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