Time Wasting

This is how my morning was spent. At the hospital at my Occupational Therapy appointment. They wanted to know how I was managing my pain & what could they do to help. I asked if they had any wrist splints that I could have that were strong enough to support but flexible enough that I could still have movement and not feel like my lower arm was in a cast like the ones I have now. Err, no, they are the only ones we have.
Okay, pain management. For example, if you are ironing for 30 minutes and it makes your joints ache. Try ironing for just 20 minutes next time. Seriously????
Before today I had absolutely no idea that pain management were the new words for common sense!!!

Now, I know that Occupational Therapy is a fantastic thing, hats off to all the people who chose to go into it. It really does help so many people and I think they are marvellous, I really do. However, for someone like me with RA, who has common sense (it is there, well hidden!) & is pretty able to manage her condition (mainly by medication, wine & flat out denial/stubbornness), I can't help thinking that this appointment was a complete waste of both mine & the therapist's time.

Anyway, after a lovely drive back through the city where I saw these fab railings outside a pre-school/nursery (& I may very well have blipped before) and then a scenic route through Salhouse & Woodbastwick, I got back to the close in the middle of a power cut. I was gasping for a cuppa too!! Luckily, it didn't last much longer :) And the rest of the day was spent chilling, doing the school run & making dinner which the kids are now clearing up after :)

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