A flash of lightning

I was at the media launch of the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Botanic Lights event where visitors to the gardens can wander around and see it illuminated in a very different way to the day time visitors. One of the great things about this years event is that there are far more interactive elements including this Lightning Tree. By simply pressing the big red button a bolt of lightning snakes its way down the trunk of a tree.

If only taking a photo like this was as simple as a push of a button. This is really challenging to focus when it is almost pitch black and then I needed to set up an off-camera flash to light up little Seren who was pressing the button to make sure it didn't blow out the lightning strike and then I had to time it so that the lightning strike was hitting the ground at the sam time - not easy!

I'm looking for a Night image for this month's Blip challenge and I think this one could definitely be my pick for the month.

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