
By CharlotteJ

My new Hero!

Thank you BVFL33, Onion juice is vile, but oh my, thank you, I am enlightened!!  I have no sore throat and I can talk, although I am still rather hoarse - thank you for sharing your recipe.

You know you are sick when you are happy to drink onion juice!!! 

The juice soothed my red hot throat at 12:33am this morning.  I have spent the whole day in silence working away and sipping the rather horrible nectar and by 5pm tonight I was able to talk in a higher tone!!

I have chewed many a mint at the request of my hubby but I am delighted to report, I feel so much better.

My aches and pains disappeared by early afternoon.

Tonight's photo had to be an onion!  What a hero!!!


PS thank you for the spotlight for my blip last night x

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